Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Websites for Teachers

I use a variety of sites for resources for my classroom. Below are my top 5 websites:
  1. Hubbards Cupard - This site is a great resource for kindergarten and preschool teachers. It provides many theme ideas, workshop ideas and links to other resources. I use their ideas a lot. One helpful addition is they have lots of photos of products they make which makes it easier for you to reproduce.
  2. Mrs. Meacham's Classroom Snapshots -This site is a school teacher who post great information. She shares tons of activities and ideas.She also provides lots of photos of her projects so it is helpful to create on your own. Mrs. Meacham's ideas expand into all types of themes and subjects. I have just recently come across her site and I love her ideas!
  3. Teachers Net I have joined a chat board on this site. I get daily emails with the topics that are discussed. You can join chats based on subjects, grade levels or state. I get lots of ideas just from reading the chats that come across. The site also has lesson plans and projects that I have used. The only con of this site is that it has ads running around it that can sometimes be a pain to avoid but it has lots of good ideas.
  4. The K-Crew This site is a great resource. They have tons of ideas for kindergarten teachers. They do have some items available for purchase but they still have plenty that is free on the site.
  5. We Give Books This site is a way to not only get your hands on some great literature but to also help others get free books. The way the site works is your register for an account (it's Free!) and then pick an organization you would like a book donated to. You can pick from a variety of books on line and then share the books with your students. They can be shared with a smart board or projector so the students can all see the books. Once your class reads the book then a copy of that book is donated to the organization you picked. I have found they have some great books to choose from and my students love reading them off the big screen!
These are my top five sites. Please let me know if you have some more sources! I am always looking to add to my resources.


  1. Is Brainpop Junior too advanced for your little ones?

  2. I like KidsHealth, it has information for little ones regarding illness and injury, how the body works, people places and things that help, staying safe, kids dictionary of medical words, etc. It even has information in Spanish. It seems as if you really work hard at finding interesting content for your students. That is super!

  3. I'm always looking for new ideas. I've already found a few. Thanks for sharing. is one of my favorites for students to practice their spelling words.

  4. Last year when I was trying to find resources for teaching writing to my first graders, I stumbled upon Mrs. Meacham's website also. She has a lot of great ideas that were easy to adapt to my own classroom.

  5. I have not tried Brainpop Junior or so I will check them both out. Thanks for the informaion.
    Jennifer, her site is great and according to her bio she has taught Kindergarten,1st and 2nd grade. I think a lot of her stuff could be adapted to any of those grades.

  6. BrainPop Jr is a great resource. I use it all of the time with my K-2 students! Your list is a great place to find some great resources. Our Kindergarten teachers love one site....I'll try to get it this week. Thanks for sharing!
