Monday, March 14, 2011

Websites for Kindergarten Students

I like to use different websites for my students to practice skills in the classroom. These are my top 5 sites that I like to use with my students and a little about them:
  1. Starfall -This is a great site for kids to work on early letter sounds and phonic skills. My students love this site and it is easy for them to navigate.
  2. ICT Resources -This is a site I use at the beginning of the year to help students with mouse skills.The cons of this site are you have to click on the mouse practice activities and set it up for students. I also found students often can get lost on the site and have to be redirected. However, there are some great practice activities for those students who need help with learning how to use a mouse.
  3. Clifford Interactive Storybook- is a site on  the Scholastic page that has one of my kids favorite characters, Clifford. They can work on letter sounds, making words, listen to stories and play games. One great thing about the site is you can choose English or Spanish for students. My kids love it and it is easy for them to navigate.
  4. ABCya! This site has some great activities on it for students. The con about this site is it is not easily navigate independently by my students. I have to set up the game for them.It also has lots of ads on the sidebar that can be difficult for students to avoid.
  5. Storyline Online This site is one of my favorites for students. They can choose books and listen to them beginning read by a variety of actors. There are a many books available on the site and students enjoy listening to them over and over!
The above sites are some of my go to sites for students. My students love computer time and the opportunity to learn something new from them in a fun way. I hope these sites are helpful to you and your students. I am always looking for more sites to expose them to! If you know of some more good sites then leave a comment so I can add to my collection!


  1. Hi, Amy, I took a look at your other blog tonight, Dunn's Dougout. I enjoyed the photos! How old are your children? They looked like they were enjoying the sledding!

  2. Hi, Sharon! My son will be 13 in July and my daughter will be 2 in April. Yes, they had a great time sledding! It was the biggest snow they had ever seen!

  3. I share your enthusiasm about Storyline. I will try out Clifford and the ABC site with my younger GD. I have noticed there are a lot of websites by Moms who homeschool their children. My sister-in-law homeschooled her children until high school. She was quite organized and dedicated and involved with other homeschool parents for social outings. The Internet makes connectivity so much easier and global for those dedicated parent teachers.

  4. Amy,
    It sounds as if you have a variety of websites that provide opportunities for your students to learn not only about the internet, but about early reading skills and listening skills and building their imaginative powers. I was introduced to storylineonline during a previous class, and thought it presented such a strong message to parents about the importance of reading to children. It also provides a place for students who don't have parents who read to them to get a little slice of TLC while a celebrity reads to them. Great sites!

  5. Starfall is a terrific website to use with developing readers. I used it extensively with my students when I was teaching first grade, and they enjoyed doing all the activities on the site. What's also nice is it provided audio along with text and pictures to help children understand the content.

  6. Thanks for your comments. These are all great sites that my students enjoy. I must say Starfall is my favorite because the students can independently work through it and they enjoy it so much!

  7. Owen my 4 year old loves Starfall. He has been using it for over 1.5 years! Did you see they expanded it with math skills? You have to pay for it, but it is worth it, we bought it and Owen asks to get on it! He memorized 1+3=4, I am so proud!!

  8. I wish these sites were around when my son what younger (he's 17 now). We had to use stand alone software. Hopefully you'll get some feedback from other teachers around the world. Try checking tags.

  9. I agree with everyone that Starfall is a great website. My 4 year old loves this site because it's very kid-friendly...easy to navigate, animated stories with funny characters. She also just tried out the one with Clifford and now I'm happy to say, that she has found another favorite. Storyline online is her favorite, especially when she's settling down for the night.
